The Babić Lab

Specialists in Inflammatory diseases

The mammalian immune system is developed to defend the host against microbial threats. This protection is mediated through the cells of both innate and adaptive immunity. The flip side of this protective system is the generation of self-directed immune response where tolerance mechanisms fail due to environmental or genetic factors and susceptible individuals develop autoimmune diseases which affect either specific organs or the entire body.

We are on a mission to provide better understanding of the mechanisms behind aberrant immune responses that lead to immune-mediated pathologies as seen in chronic inflammatory or autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. We focus on understanding the cues that are responsible for lymphocyte regulation and tissue-specific multicellular interaction during inflammatory processes, and particularly on the role of innate receptors that serve as sensors of cellular stress.

In our attempts, we mainly leverage mouse models of inflammation, make use of conditional gene targeting in mice (CreLoxP), multiparameter flow cytometry and computational data mining.

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