1. Positions:

1. 01-12-2013 – 09-07-2018: PhD student, Department of histology and embryology, School of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia. Research focus: Viral infections and glucose homeostasis.

2. 01-03-2019 – 31-08-2022 Postdoctoral researcher. Immunophysiology lab (Veiga-Fernandes lab), Fundação Champalimaud, Champalimaud Research, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal. Research focus: Neuroimmune circuits in glucose homeostasis (EMBO laureate)

3. 10-07-2018 – 31-06-2023: Postdoctoral researcher, Department of histology and embryology, School of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia.

4. 01-07-2023 – present: Assistant Professor, Department of histology and embryology, School of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia.

2. Honors:

1. Award name: EMBO postdoctoral fellowship

Name of the awarding institution: European molecular biology organization

Award date: December 20, 2019.

2. Award name: National award for science in the category of scientific discovery for 2018

Name of the awarding institution: Republic of Croatia, Ministry of science and education

Award date: June 25, 2019.

3. Award name: University of Rijeka Foundation Award for the best scientists in the category of young scientists for 2018

Name of the awarding institution: University of Rijeka Foundation

Award date: November 5, 2019.

4. Award name: Croatian immunological society award for the best PhD thesis in the period 2016. - 2018.

Name of the awarding institution: Croatian immunological society

Award date: October 11, 2019.

5. Award name: Croatian immunological society annual award for the best paper published in 2018.

Name of the awarding institution: Croatian immunological society

Award date: October 11, 2019.

6. Award name: The award for the best young scientist in basic medical sciences in 2018.

Name of the awarding institution: Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka

Award date: December 12, 2018.

7. Award name: 1st award for presentation of scientific work

Name of the awarding institution: Croatian immunological society

Award date: October 20, 2018.

A. Selected peer-reviewed publications

  1. Šestan M, Mikašinović S, Benić A, Wueest S, Dimitropoulos C, Mladenić K, Krapić M, Hiršl L, Glantzspiegel Y, Rasteiro A, Aliseychik M, Cekinović Grbeša Đ, Turk Wensveen T, Babić M, Gat-Viks I, Veiga-Fernandes H, Konrad D, Wensveen FM, Polić B. An IFNg-dependent immune-endocrine circuit lowers blood glucose to potentiate the innate anti-viral immune response. Nat Immunol, 2024. 25(6): p. 981-993.

2. Marinović S, Lenartić M, Mladenić K, Šestan M, Kavazović I, Benić A, Krapić M, Rindlisbacher L, Cokarić Brdovčak M, Sparano C, Litscher G, Turk Wensveen T, Mikolašević I, Fučkar Čupić D, Bilić-Zulle L, Steinle A, Waisman A, Hayday A, Tugues S, Becher B, Polić B, Wensveen FM. NKG2D-mediated detection of metabolically stressed hepatocytes by innate-like T cells is essential for initiation of NASH and fibrosis. Sci Immunol. 2023 Sep 29;8(87):eadd1599. doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.add1599.

3. Wensveen FM, Šestan M, Turk Wensveen T, Polić B. (2021) Blood glucose regulation in context of infection. Vitamins and hormones. 117:253-318.

4. Wensveen FM, Šestan M, Turk Wensveen T, Polić B. (2019) 'Beauty and the beast' in infection: How immune-endocrine interactions regulate systemic metabolism in the context of infection. Eur J Immunol. 49:982-995.

5. Jelenčić V, Šestan M, Kavazović I, Lenartić M, Marinović S, Holmes T, Prchal M, Lisnić B, Sexl V, Bryceson YT, Wensveen FM, Polić B. (2018) NK cell receptor NKG2D sets activation threshold for the NCR1 receptor early in NK cell development. Nat Immunol. 19:1083-1092.

6. Šestan M, Marinović S, Kavazović I, Cekinović Đ, Wueest S, Turk Wensveen T, Brizić I, Jonjić S, Konrad D, Wensveen FM, Polić B. (2018) Virus-induced IFN-gamma causes insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and derails glycemic control in obesity. Immunity. 49:164-177.

7. Wensveen FM, Valentić S, Šestan M, Turk Wensveen T, Polić B. (2015) Interactions between adipose tissue and the immune system in health and malnutrition. Semin Immunol. 27:322-333.

8. Wensveen FM, Valentić S#, Šestan M#, Turk Wensveen T, Polić B. (2015) The "Big Bang" in obese fat: Events initiating obesity-induced adipose tissue inflammation. Eur J Immunol. 45:2446-2456. # Equal contribution.

Wensveen FM, Jelenčić V#, Valentić S#, Šestan M#, Turk Wensveen T, Theurich S, Glasner A, Mendrila D, Štimac D, Wunderlich FT, Bruning JC, Mandelboim O, Polić B. (2015) NK cells link obesity-induced adipose stress to inflammation and insulin resistance. Nat Immunol. 16:376-385. # Equal contribution

CV Marko Šestan