Prof. Bojan Polić is head of TransMedri. The work of his team has led to breakthroughs in the fields of anti-viral immunology, NK cell biology and immune responses to tissue stress. Recently, his work has focused on immunometabolism

Assoc. Prof. Felix Wensveen leads a research team investigating the role of lymphocytes in viral infection and metabolic disease. Recent work of his team has focused on fatty liver disease.

Research Groups

Explore our diverse research groups and their cutting-edge projects.

Assis. Prof. Vedrana Jelenčić leads a research team investigating the biology of natural killer cells. Her group has shown some of the basic principles underlying NK cell education and its impact on the control on tumors.

Assis. Prof. Marina Babić Čač and her team study the biology of inflammatory disorders. In particular her group tries to understand the role of stress signals in the development of auto-inflammatory disorders such as inflammatory bowl disease and multiple sclerosis

Assis. Prof. Tamara Turk Wensveen is one of the leading clinical researchers in the field of cardiometabolism in Croatia. Her group tries to understand how metabolic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes mellitus impact the overall metabolic state of her patients and how therapy impacts their physiology. Moreover, her team investigates the immunometabolic profile of patients with metabolic disease

The Šestan Lab

The intricate interplay between the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems is a cutting-edge area of biomedical research. Understanding these interactions is essential for deciphering the body’s integrated response to stress, infections, and disease, as well as for developing innovative therapeutic approaches.