Science is the beacon that illuminates the unknown, and in the realm of translational medicine, it becomes a guiding light towards understanding the intricacies of human disease. Our pursuit at the Center for Translational Medicine Rijeka (Transmedri) is not merely to comprehend illness but to transform this knowledge into patient-centric cures. We embark on a journey with our patients, decoding their ailments into experimental models, and through this molecular odyssey, we craft therapies that elevate the standard of care in our health systems.

In the city of Rijeka, our scientific curiosity knows no bounds. Our scientific heritage is rich in viral immunology, a foundation that empowers us to venture into the territories of immunometabolism, cancer biology, inflammatory disorders, and metabolic diseases. Armed with cutting-edge animal models and complemented by sophisticated in vitro and in silico systems, we are the vanguards pushing the frontiers of human knowledge. Our clinicians, seasoned in the art of healing, ensure that our research is deeply rooted in the real-world needs of those we serve.

Translational medicine transcends the laboratory; it is a symphony of education and innovation. Our team is fervently dedicated to nurturing the minds of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral scholars. We aspire to instill the essence of translational science—from the patient’s bedside to the research bench and back—into the very core of our academic ethos. It is through a comprehensive grasp of disease, spanning physiology to molecular biology, from clinical acumen to exemplary laboratory practices, that we will unravel the enigmas of the human form and harness this profound knowledge to heal and to hope.

Experimental & Translational medicine Rijeka

T cells and innate lymphocytes

Our Research Focus

black and gray stethoscopeblack and gray stethoscope

Viral infections

Endocrinology & Metabolic diseases

Gut inflammation & Multiple sclerosis

Anti-tumor immunology

Neuro- immunology